What is YURA?

The Yale Undergraduate Research Association, or YURA, was founded in the spring of 2015 to foster a community of undergraduate researchers here at Yale, and connect them with mentors, resources, and other undergraduate researchers.

YURA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, run by undergraduates for undergraduates.


Our Projects

Currently, YURA is leading five flagship initiatives: Yale Undergraduate Research Journal, Yale Undergraduate Research Conference, Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative, Research Database, and Community Outreach.


YURA is the singular student organization doing the most for Yale undergraduate researchers across all disciplines - and we're constantly working to increase our impact.


What We’ve Achieved:

  • Maintained the only up-to-date database of research opportunities for undergraduates at Yale, used by hundreds of Yalies each year.

  • Published the Yale Undergraduate Research Journal to showcase student research from all disciplines.

  • Established the Yale Undergraduate Research Symposium to celebrate and award excellence in student research.

  • Created the Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative, with over 300 graduate student volunteers.

  • Developed a partnership with the Yale Undergraduate Admissions Office to promote research to prospective Yalies.

  • Founded a community of students within YURA who are passionate about uplifting research at Yale.