What is YURA?
The Yale Undergraduate Research Association, or YURA, was founded in the spring of 2015 to foster a community of undergraduate researchers here at Yale, and connect them with mentors, resources, and other undergraduate researchers.
YURA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, run by undergraduates for undergraduates.
Our Projects
Currently, YURA is leading five flagship initiatives: Yale Undergraduate Research Journal, Yale Undergraduate Research Conference, Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative, Research Database, and Community Outreach.
YURA is the singular student organization doing the most for Yale undergraduate researchers across all disciplines - and we're constantly working to increase our impact.
What We’ve Achieved:
Maintained the only up-to-date database of research opportunities for undergraduates at Yale, used by hundreds of Yalies each year.
Published the Yale Undergraduate Research Journal to showcase student research from all disciplines.
Established the Yale Undergraduate Research Symposium to celebrate and award excellence in student research.
Created the Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative, with over 300 graduate student volunteers.
Developed a partnership with the Yale Undergraduate Admissions Office to promote research to prospective Yalies.
Founded a community of students within YURA who are passionate about uplifting research at Yale.